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The Art of Spring: Music

Helene Waechter

The Art of Spring: Music

The Art of Spring: 9 classical music songs A transition season between the frigid days of winter and the overwhelming summer heat waves, spring time is a bearer of rarely disappointing promises. Nature wakes up back to life, animals run around frolicking in search of new mates and of course! We feel so, but so much lighter!Seasons have always inspired artists. Perpetual source of inspiration, the inmutable journey of the Earth around the sun scrolls under the marvelled senses of paintors, musicians and creators eager to eternalise the season’s charms. Is there a clear preference for spring? So many first...

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Cadeaux faits main, cadeaux du coeur!


Cadeaux faits main, cadeaux du coeur!

St-Valentin: Dix idées originales de cadeaux faits à la main L'aspect commercial de la St-Valentin vous rebute un peu? Revenons aux sources et à la simplicité des valentins d'autrefois. Rien n'égale un cadeau fait à la main car c'est aussi un don de soi. Bien sûr, il n'est pas toujours facile de trouver le temps... c'est pourquoi nous avons rassemblé dans ce post des idées cadeaux géniales, toutes faites main, et surtout faciles et rapides à réaliser. Mais d'abord, pourquoi fête-t-on la St-Valentin?  D'où vient cette tradition?   La petite histoire de la St-Valentin La fête des amoureux, que l'on...

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The First Echoes of Music


The First Echoes of Music

We don't know much about the origin of music, which seems nevertheless inseparable from even most ancient human civilisations. The first forms of prehistoric art, the paintings discovered on the walls of caves, go back as far as 50 000 years BC; and the odds are that music is an even older art...

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Les premiers échos de la musique


Les premiers échos de la musique

On connait très peu l'origine de la musique, qui semble néanmoins indissociable de toute civilisation humaine, même les plus anciennes. Les premières formes d'art préhistorique, les peintures découvertes sur les murs des grottes, remontent à près de 50 000 ans avant notre ère; et il y a fort à parier que la musique est un art aussi ancien, sinon plus...

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Once upon a time... The Pukará bull

Helene Waechter

Once upon a time... The Pukará bull

"Long, but very long time ago, a terrible drought stroke Pukará, a small village nested in the Andes, not far from the renowned Lake Titicaca. Wells were dry and people were suffering. The peasants decided to slay a bull in sacrifice to their god  Pachakamag, hoping this would bring them back the priceless liquid."So here they were, on their procession dragging their resisting bull up the Pucará rock where the sacrifice would soon take place. But the bull, apparently guessing the fate awaiting it, resists and struggles; and after one ultimate ram with its mighty horns, drilled open a hole in the...

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